Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good news!!

I found out that at my last weigh in I had gained 0.8 lbs (I was thinking I had only gained 0.2 lbs). Bad news, right? But then I jumped on the scales and saw that I had lost 4.4 lbs for a total weight loss of 23.2 lbs. Great news, especially since I cheated all weekend. I have promised my weight loss "coach" that I will exercise at least 4 times in the next 2 weeks. I just hate exercise except in the pool and the pool water has gotten too cold for my delicate constitution! So I HAVE to go to the workout room. It's only a block from my house so I really have no excuse (does laziness count as an excuse).
I wish John and Sonja Paulk much success in there new adventure with Physician's Weight Loss. Maybe we can all go on a crusie to celebrate when we get skinny!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well, I maintained at my weigh in on Tuesday. I was really surprised I hadn't gained so I am thankful. I did much better today on the plan and will do my best to continue that. I am trying to focus on why I started this diet in the first place. All those reasons still hold true (I'll list those in a future post).
The pool has cooled down so much I won't get to swim much anymore, if at all. Time to hit the work out room (which I dread but I have to do).
My dear friend Sonja has joined Physician's Weight Loss. I am so proud of her for making this decision for her health and happiness. Boy, it will be hard not to go to King's Lite with her when I am in Florence visiting!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Am really struglling with sticking to the meal plan. I don't know why that is but I have GOT to get back on track. Would appreciate prayers.