Monday, October 5, 2009

Disappointed in Myself

Well, it's time to face facts. I have blown my diet the last 2 weeks. I've disappointed not only myself but those who love me, especially my husband and daughter. I really have no idea why I've thrown caution to the wind. My sister made a good point today. I never really committed 100% to the meal plan. After a week or two on the plan I started I cheating in small ways-a pint of ice cream each week, a small potato with my evening meal, etc. The list goes on and on. Things snowballed to the point I was totally out of control again.
I will be returning the Dr. Slott tomorrow and will have to face the scales. Hopefully, I won't have gained much. I am ready to commit 100% and make this a lifestyle change. Too much is at stake to continue risking my health and happiness over food.

1 comment:

  1. Yes thats right. We are all behind you all the way.

    BIG J
