Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Feel Like I Cheated!

I weighed today and was down 7 lbs. I feel like I cheated because the only reason I lost was because I had the stomach virus. But I am thankful for the silver lining that came from being so sick. I will do my best to keep it off and I am committed to working the plan!! Thank goodness tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I had the worst stomach flu EVER last night and today. I couln't go to my appointment with Dr. Slott today and have rescheduled for Thursday. The upside is, maybe I've lost a couple of pounds!

Monday, October 5, 2009


WHY did I get an email labeled "Life Insurance for Seniors"?? Oh, I know. They must have meant college seniors!

Angel and I saw a regular (not vanity) license plate that read AGE 319. After a good laugh, I said I hope the owner of the car isn't a woman.

On the other hand, if they took the "1" out and put a "0" in front of the 3, women would be fighting to get that plate!!

Disappointed in Myself

Well, it's time to face facts. I have blown my diet the last 2 weeks. I've disappointed not only myself but those who love me, especially my husband and daughter. I really have no idea why I've thrown caution to the wind. My sister made a good point today. I never really committed 100% to the meal plan. After a week or two on the plan I started I cheating in small ways-a pint of ice cream each week, a small potato with my evening meal, etc. The list goes on and on. Things snowballed to the point I was totally out of control again.
I will be returning the Dr. Slott tomorrow and will have to face the scales. Hopefully, I won't have gained much. I am ready to commit 100% and make this a lifestyle change. Too much is at stake to continue risking my health and happiness over food.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good news!!

I found out that at my last weigh in I had gained 0.8 lbs (I was thinking I had only gained 0.2 lbs). Bad news, right? But then I jumped on the scales and saw that I had lost 4.4 lbs for a total weight loss of 23.2 lbs. Great news, especially since I cheated all weekend. I have promised my weight loss "coach" that I will exercise at least 4 times in the next 2 weeks. I just hate exercise except in the pool and the pool water has gotten too cold for my delicate constitution! So I HAVE to go to the workout room. It's only a block from my house so I really have no excuse (does laziness count as an excuse).
I wish John and Sonja Paulk much success in there new adventure with Physician's Weight Loss. Maybe we can all go on a crusie to celebrate when we get skinny!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well, I maintained at my weigh in on Tuesday. I was really surprised I hadn't gained so I am thankful. I did much better today on the plan and will do my best to continue that. I am trying to focus on why I started this diet in the first place. All those reasons still hold true (I'll list those in a future post).
The pool has cooled down so much I won't get to swim much anymore, if at all. Time to hit the work out room (which I dread but I have to do).
My dear friend Sonja has joined Physician's Weight Loss. I am so proud of her for making this decision for her health and happiness. Boy, it will be hard not to go to King's Lite with her when I am in Florence visiting!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Am really struglling with sticking to the meal plan. I don't know why that is but I have GOT to get back on track. Would appreciate prayers.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Thank goodness my back is better and I got to swim Saturday and today. Being in the pool on a hot, sunny day is my idea of heaven!! Of course it's not heaven to my skin and I am a little burned.
Have been up and down with the diet this weekend. I could not resist my mother-in-law's corn pudding today at lunch and had two servings. I will do my best to be back on track tomorrow.
Have a beautiful week everyone!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sweet Success (Sweets? You can't have sweets!!)

Good news at the doctor's office today. I lost 4.8 more labs for a total of 19.6. I'm am very pleased with this and will be working hard for continued success.
I strained my back Saturday swimming of all things. Hope to be back splashing around by Thursday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Even Steven

I went to get my vitamin B shot yesterday and jumped on the scale-no loss, no gain. Which is okay since I haven't exactly been following the diet as strictly as I should. By my official weigh in next week, I hope to be down at least a couple more pounds.
I was not feeling well yesterday but I went and got the shot as I thought it might help. It didn't-I went home and crashed for about 2 hours, got up and ate a sandwich, then went to bed at 9:00. I feel the same way today so I think I will be doing the same thing tonight. I rescheduled my hair appointment for next week. Unfortunately, my grays are really showing and my hair looks shaggy but going another week won't kill me. I think.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When you fall...

Yesterday I watched my diet go out the window about 12:15 p.m. It reappeared at 8:00 p.m. but not until after I had been to a buffet for lunch and to La Hacienda for dinner. Thankfully, Angel talked me out of having ice cream for dessert.

Now I am back on the horse and have had a pretty good day following the meal plan. I'm going to stay strong and keep taking one day at a time.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I saw Dr. Slott today and I've lost 14.6 lbs in the first 2 weeks! I'm so happy about the loss and can already tell a difference in how I feel. I know it will be tougher from here on out as a lot of my I inital loss was water weight but I am committed to making this work.

Angel, John and I enjoyed going to the pool this evening. I swam some laps and did some water aerobics type activities. It felt so good! Now it's time to cook some salmon. Yummy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Unfortunately, I let myself be seduced by two men Saturday night, Ben and Jerry. And they were on sale. How could a girl resist? Don't worry. John wasn't jealous-he got ice cream, too!!

Really, it didn't taste as good as I thought it would (guilt playing a part) and hopefully I will be able to resist the temptation next time. I've been up and down with following the meal plan the last few days. I'm still making better choices and eating much less than I was but I need to stick to the plan to have the best chance at meaningful weight loss. I go back to see the doctor tomorrow and will have my first official weigh in. I know I have lost some. It will be interesting to see how much. I'm definitely feeling more energy which is great.

Check back soon to get an update on the amount I have lost so far!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Poor Choices

Yesterday I made a host of poor choices with food but the good news is I feel back on track today.
Poor choices:
1. Popcorn (low calorie but too many carbs and definitely not on the diet)
2. Buffet at lunch. Started out well with a salad but then had to much tempura fried fish and a small amount of mac and cheese.
3. Should have just had a salad for dinner given what I ate at lunch but I cooked John and I each a steak (mine was the correct size for my evening 7 oz of protein-of course, I had already had plenty of protein earlier). I had a salad and a very small red potato with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Lite on it. No potatoes allowed on the diet of course, as well as the "butter".

I was just completely off track yesterday. Don't really know why but today is another day!! I'm going to get my Vitamin B shot today. Hopefully talking to the girls in the office will help keep me motivated.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekend blunders

The weekend started off well enough-swimming Friday night and back to school shopping Saturday morning. By the time we got home Saturday, I was wiped out and spent the remainder of the day resting. I didn't even have the energy to go to the pool. And if you know me, I must have been tired if I gave up pool time on a beautiful, sunny, hot day. Sunday I was still feeling exhausted and stayed home all day just laying around. I really don't know what was wrong with me. Still having some stomach problems but not as bad. I stuck to the diet pretty well Saturday during the day but that night I had some toast. I felt so guilty for having it and it didn't even taste very good. Sunday again I did okay until the evening. I had some bean with bacon soup loaded with saltine crackers (one of my favorites). Certainly not on my diet. I slept pretty well Sunday night and got up early to take Angel to the church by 6:45. The youth group is leaving for camp in NC today (The Wilds). She will be gone a week and I sure will miss her. The kids aren't allowed to take cell phones with them so no texting or talking until she returns. It will be a quiet week.
I actually feel more energized today. Maybe I needed the carbs. Who knows. But I will be back to following the diet very strictly this week. Wish me luck!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vegetables and Exercise-Drat!

Well, things have started out well with my weight loss program. The protein shakes are pretty tasty and I have been able to stick to the plan pretty well but the vegetables are not making my stomach happy. I'm sure it's wondering what I am doing to it since it's used to steaks, ice cream, burgers, bread, etc. Hopefully things will settle down soon! I am pretty tired but should start feeling more energy as time goes on. I will return for my second B vitamin injection tomorrow-hopefully, that will give me a boost! I haven't exercised yet but plan to swim as soon as the afternoon storms go away. When I can't swim I should go to the workout room at the clubhouse but I haven't made it there yet. Exercise is really going to be my biggest challenge but I know it is a vital part of the program-for weight loss, energy, stress relief, etc. I am going to have to PUSH myself in this area. I am a little apprehensive about this weekend as at least at work, I am busy all the time and have an easier time keeping my mind off food. Angel and I are going to buy school uniforms this Saturday and I do plan to exercise in some way or another, but there is nothing much else going on. I'm going to have to plan more things to do for weekends. Maybe a project. Any ideas??

Monday, July 27, 2009

Get Ready, Get Set, Go

My meeting with Dr. Slott and Advanced Medical Weight Management Center staff went very well today! I am so excited to start the program tomorrow but am a little apprehensive about my ability to exsist for the next two weeks on protein shakes, vegetables and 7 oz of meat per day. Of course, I can do it. I'm just so used to eating anything I want, which, as we all know, has gotten me to where I am. After 2 weeks, I will get to add some things-not sure what yet. Munching at night is my biggest obstacle to overcome. Well, that, in addition to making myself exercise daily. That won't be as difficult while to pool is open but when it closes I will have to go to the work out room whether I like it or not. I am determined to do this and I have every confidence that this is the program for me. I need the structure and the accountability of going to the doctor's office every two weeks. The plan is so sensible and as Dr. Slott said, I just have to make myself do it. There are some foods I will not be able to eat and I just have to accept that. It will certainly be worth it in the long run. When I reach my goal I plan to take a trip to London. It has always been a dream of mine and I am going to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Journey

Next Tuesday I will be embarking on my new journey to weight loss and healthy living. I will be seeing Dr. Rick Slott ( next Monday and will start the program the next day. Needless to say I am both excited and nervous. I have been on so many diets. I've had some short lived successes but mostly just gave up and went back to my old eating habits. This time around I am looking to make permanent life style changes. I know it will be difficult but I am determined to do this. For myself but also for my family. I was concerned about letting the word out about this due to my past failures but I realized that I need the support of family and friends and that blogging about it will be therapeutic (and it may provide some accountablity also). Tomorrow I celebrate my 45th birthday. I hope to make this next year my healthiest and happiest yet!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Angel Returns

Angel returned home yesterday from her missions trip to Arizona. The youth group from our church spent 12 days in AZ site seeing and ministering at a bilingual (English/Spanish) church in Phoenix. The group gave a report last night at the evening service-it was awesome to see how God worked in the teens lives and how they touched the people they were working with. The video Micah put together was both inspiring and a hoot! Thank goodness I had tissues with me!

Angel was very happy to sink into her own bed last night after sleeping in sleeping bag on the floor for the last week. She slept over 12 hours!! John and I are so happy to have our little red headed girl back home!! She leaves in 2 weeks for camp. We will miss her but am glad she is getting to have all these fun and life changing experiences.


I am reading a fantastic biography of King Edward VII. Poor Bertie. Could never please his mother but the ladies loved him. Although he had numerous affairs with many of the lovely ladies of the day his wife, Queen Alexandra, stayed devoted to him until the end. She even allowed his last and most loved mistress, Mrs. Keppel, to come to his bedside as he lay dying.

Waiting in the wings are 2 other books, "Sex with Kings" and "Sex with Queens". Neither are as racy as the title sounds. They focus on the mistresses and lovers of various Kings and Queens. Very interesting reading. I also have a biography of Queen Marie of Romania waiting to be read. Why she doesn't get more attention is beyond me. She was an incredible woman!

One of my new favorite web site is Edwardian Promenade ( Check it out!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Beginnings

I am getting ready to start a new adventure and plan to use this blog to share my thoughts, ideas and progress. Come along for the ride!!